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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Because they're the only 2 going,

Pending for submission. :)

NUTS never stand alone,
we come in a packet
{/11:32 PM}

Friday, June 01, 2007

Esther speaks:

haha... just realised sth... This is our class blog 100th post! hoothoot! well, quite honoured to be the one writing this blog post... lol... anyway, let me have the honours to update the ppl out there what we have been doing after after-CT1 trip to sentosa...

If i am not wrong... the first 'class event' was the celebrating of bird's birthday... 26 March.. the day when we finished our Chem SPA skill CD *shivers at the thought of it*. haha... still remember that Caron baked bird a cake and Shidah made her cookies w/o flour... lol...

anyway, for those who kind of forget about the incident, here's a photo and a video to make you recall the incident...

Bird's birthday cake

Bird's cutting and removing the candle (sorry for my comments while filming :x)

well, the next class outing was on May Day... Where our whole class went to watch Spiderman 3... Didn't go with them that day cos i had to attend a wedding at around the same time :(

So i guess nothing to type about... if there's any photos or what interesting stuff pls fill in in the space below:

[fill in the blanks]

next up, it was the trip with Mr. Young to the Asian Civilisation Museum... 24th May...

in my opinion, i thought the trip was quite interesting... with all the jewerelly and histories of the different cultural groups in Asia and their practices (although i found some exhibits quite hard to appreciate)... I especially liked the exhibits at the highest floor... cos got interactive activities for us to play with... in particular the ones where people can learn how to write Arabic words and pharses and the Arab drum beat machine. haha... i found them quite interesting... And sad to say... it was on that day that i realised that Siswand knew how to write Arabic words/characters... haha.... He even manage to write Shidah's name in Arab and mine too... but not very nicely done... so no pictures for that... haha...

Oh, and speaking of learning some Arab drum beats... i think elliot and vincent should be quite pro? (haha...) Cos some of the guys and girls from our class were watching them learning how to play the drum and learning some cool beats... they seemed quite focused but they gave up learning in the end cos it was getting a lil too tough... but nevertheless.... nice try :)

After the whole walk through the Museum which lasted like +/- 2.5 hours, some of us took a photo outside the Museum... Like some memo for primary school excursion... lol. haha... take a look at the photos:

part of our class without Mr. Young (courtesy of Siswand)

part of our class with Mr. Young (courtesy of Siswand)

Then after this Zamir wanted to take a picture with a statue outside of the Museum... which i found it quite wierd of him to do so... Siswand played along with him as well... and err, here's the 'final product':


Last but not the least, friday's full day outing to Vivo's GV to watch POTC 3... [ I missed watching the movie with you guys again :( sigh...] Anyway, according to those who went, 16 of them were present for the movie... theis ~3 hours movie were rated very good by them... haha... which made me more regret not watching with my class... (argh). well, after the movie, the girls went to shop around Vivo while the guys wonder 'aimlessly' around the shopping centre trying to kill time... they went some bookstore i think...

Quote from Caron: "It was mad shopping... We (the girls) spent 45 mins in River Island trying on clothes..."

Oh, and Nasrul bought an expensive healthnut badge for Caron at TopShop (accroding to him, it's quite expensive)too... haha... so funny sia...

(while they were doing so, i was in Toa Payoh Sports Hall supporting the bball girls finals... it was a rocking game...)

Then, they later some came for match support for the soccer girls finals... quite a nice game but we lost... which i thought was quite sad that the sa ppl could score... nevertheless, the VJ Spirit was there la... haha...

Well, i guess that's all for my part of reporting... quite a long post eh.... anyway, all the best for CT2... May this be a breakthrough for everyone of us....

Oh and Caron sends her regards to the class *smile with a Minnie Mouse cup*
(ok... cos i m typing this post using Caron's Computer)

till then... bye :)

NUTS never stand alone,
we come in a packet
{/3:22 PM}

Saturday, March 10, 2007

jean says!

haha i've not posted for a long time! but it's post cts! sch reopen don't come pls! i'm not ready to die. anws! pple lyke us=hwee, sindhu, pea, boon, me, zamir, siswand, nasrul, taufiq who cldn't wait for cts to be over (okay, save for taufiq and siswand who even brought his NOTES along! chicken nehneh.) decided to all troop over to vivo and sentosa!

here's the relay that was circulated: HI! class outing tmr, 12 at habourfront station. we'll be going SENTOSA & VIVO! those coming tell jolie!:D.

you would have thought that SENTOSA was the main attraction and vivo was just there as a wet weather plan. so the girls all happily agreed on fbts as attire-of-the-day!

BUT! imagine our horror of HORROR of HORRORS when we reached the mrt station and saw the guys wearing JEANS. like ALL of them. i tell you we immediately ran to hide behind the pillar and laughed lyke anything. they totally ignored SENTOSA and thought that we were going to watch movie in vivo can!!! (=.=)""

okay, but to the guys' credits they still gamely went to sentosa with us after discovering their own wardrobe malfunction and amid ribbings that they could go visit the merlion instead.=P

hahas so after meeting up with boon and sindhu too, it was off to palawan beach!

oh yar we kinda photowhore-d ystd so PHOTOS GALORE. budden BOON! i don't have your photos so you add on okayys!(:

everyone's nice and clean!

haha so the girls decided to abandon the guys and go play on our own while the guys decided that hiding on the rocks in btw bushes suited them better! budden after awhile we found these microscopic stuff in the sea stinging us and decided to go scare the kids and squeeze our fat selves into the 'baby pool'!:D then we bitched lors hahas.

yupps then halfway through our bitching session we saw THE gorgeously handsome face poking out from behind a coconut tree. haha but he obviously won't come and look for us for nothing rights! turned out he had taken off his shirt was there to show us his multiple-bulging-packs figure! budden he refused to step out from among the coconut trees can haha! hiding there lyke HE'S REALLY SHY when he actually carn wait to show us rights stellaa??!(: hee. then we started fanning his ego with 'stella come out larhs! damn hot arh!' and wadeva and he kinda inched out lyke abit. so pea went,'eh you say somemore he sure come out want!' HAHA. so sindhu started shouting louder and people STARED. and he RAN AWAY.

so we chased after him and found that the guys had all found themselves shorts. after having a good laugh at all of them we went to grab the camera to indulge in our fav class activity=>unglam photos!hee.(: then boon had to go so we went to take photos before she left! boon your photos here!

then after boon left we continued to bitch and crap abit here and there and then we went to take photos again!(:


the hunter looks lyke the tiger-ess' best fren...

i rather buy the coconuts from ntuc can!=P

girls have fun!(:

then after that it was alrdy 5+ and pea had to go so she left with stella and the rest of us went to movenpick.

my personal favourite pic(:

the guys' all time fav activity. they really want a job in the future sands' casino. waiters anyone? =P

then it got really quite late so we decided to go home and walked to the tram stop. then the guys got bored and decided to take photos. i tell you the following photo sparked off a night of ghost-stories-telling-on-the-tram man.

and a photo at the exact same spot the nxt moment





spot the diff!

haha! after pple jealous.

yupps. then we told ghost stories until I DARE NOT GO HOME LARH! haha not only me. sindhu too! she dropped at potong pasir to meet her parents first and i jammed my house number super many times into my phone once i got onto the bus! 'ASK DADDY GO BUS STOP FETCH ME!' bro,'daddy says he's busy, you walk in can?' 'CANNOT!' and i tell you i seriously contemplated getting my brothers to petition my father to chop off the banana tree can. coconuts or anything else pls!

yupps. so that was all that happened ystd!(: it was a fun day! REGRET all those who didn't come! hahas! i'm back to hana kimi! i lyke the big dog(: i lyke the cute guy(: i hate the cheesy lines.

NUTS never stand alone,
we come in a packet
{/1:29 PM}

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning.
To all those studying for common tests, have an apple before coming to school =)

Study hard=)


NUTS never stand alone,
we come in a packet
{/4:36 PM}

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Quote hwee, it's a jean cai no 2. Anyway it was hwee's virgin drink which explains how her cheeks turned so red and how she showed other signs of being drunk which I can't remember due to my very bad memory

the very naughty girls, though people like daphne and yuru were not captured. Sorry Ms Chua, we will still be very guai in class.

and since you want it, i will be nice and give it. Small Me Part Two!

Alright study hard everyone


NUTS never stand alone,
we come in a packet
{/1:41 AM}

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


cny at bitchy's!

alright, mark you cunning thing.
i know you want me to post first so you can push this down for my unglam shot to be displayed in full alcoholic glory, RIGHT?

once again,
i'll be the sacrificial lamb mutton lamb. <-- lamb's young and innocent, mutton's wrinkly and saggy.

after bitchy's, jean yuru & i gathered our tummy sausages and sbsed over to mark's place (note to ms chua: while studying on the mrt.)

this was what greeted us,

we were surprised they didn't paste them in the lift too.
or at least, a golden/red pig sticker on the 4th floor button.

and of course, the much-awaited.
the one that makes our class guys' heart skip a beat (in terror)........


i love blogger man, you can enlaaaaaarge! x)

mark, please zi dong (take the initiative) put up the photo.
(the one where we stood in front of your pic mimicking yer oh-so-sexaaaay pose)

the rest of the pics at bitchys are here.

ps: bitchy! THE FOOODDDDDDD! :D:D:D
sorry we wiped out your lim chee guan.
actually, not very sorry.(:

NUTS never stand alone,
we come in a packet
{/3:11 PM}

Sunday, February 04, 2007


just to add on to the whole face of the year episode!
(the parts which stella conveniently left out)

pre-foty photo shoot, stella would be letting us in on his morning facial regime.

stella: I DID FACIAL TODAY! *shows us (blemished) skin*
us: oh, what did u do?
stella: wah, i used my mum's cleanser, den toner and after that still got put the liquid make it smooth and brighter. can see not, can see not?
mark: *in her usual monotonous drone* isn't that basic cleansing?

fyi, stella considers his $6 facial cleanser a rip-off.
"the most $4 mah!"
so we're pretty impressed he didn't start planting cucumber seeds for his dyi facial.

then when i asked him to pick a day from wed-fri for his photo shoot,
"friday can, pls pls? so i got time to improve my skin condition!"

he even went home to take loadsa pictures to find his handsomest side lah!

what he says is so true man,
"how can send me? how can you send 2 people of the same gender??"

& of course The Photo Shoot!
stella, whatever's with the "musclicious bulging muscles".
you were legs were trembling, please!

when the photographer was done with the picture,
he charged towards the poor girl like a bull to red undies.
"can see my pimples not, can see my pimples not?!"

before the sound waves of the mild "no" could reach your ears,
stella was triumphantly proclaiming to the world, waving his fists around,
"WHOO, CANNOT SEE MY PIMPLES LEH!!!! (X avogadro's constant)"

and don't get me started on how he burst into the library the other day announcing his royal arrival,
"look, the F.O.T.Y is here!"

start practising your signature stella. :D:D

(Zhao Xia Cackling)MELODIES of Vincent's voice:

Hey hey everyone, back here to liven up the blog! Its been dead for a few days now!
Here's an update on what happened on 1-2-2007 at the photo session for faces of the year.. Jean and I were to meet at the spiral staircase at 245 for our photoshoot.. We were super uber embarrassed and for a moment desperate not to take the photograph!

But first. before the photoshoot. Mark, Jolie, Sindhu, Daphne, Jean, Esther, Zhiwei and I were in the classroom preparing before the photoshoot. We were supposed to pose for the photo and I came up with a brilliant plan to carry Jean for the photoshoot. She freaked out and i tell you she started running around the whole class and everyone in the class teamed up to catch her so that I could carry her for a trial run.. Wahaha! (eh jean u are damn lucky you can get carried by me man, you have no idea how many girls out there wanna get carried by me! Ha!) Anyway, she didnt want to get carried by me cause she was afraid i would drop her. So to proof to her i wouldn't drop her, I carried Daphne.. and obviously thanks to my musclicious bulging muscles, i didn't drop her.. I was really hesitant about carrying jean cause i was afraid she would be angry but then Sindhu who was grabbing on to jean said, "see! she is not struggling anymore. That means she wants to get carried by you".. wahaha.. Yup, I carried her and nope, i didn't drop her.

Then I was so afraid the camera would capture my pimply nose so i decided to put foundation and concealer (YES, I KNOW IT IS REALLY GAY!) however due to expert advice from mark and Sindhu- they said my skin tone doesn't fit the colour of the foundation and concealer- and so I decided not to put the concealer and foundation. I wet my hair too to try and give myself the cool look..with disapproval from mark.. Wahaha.. i am ten times more vain than jean.. She was like no need to do anything then just go there take picture can already..

When we reached the spiral staircase, there were a few other people there already waiting for their photo to be taken, but we were the first to go.. I think everyone there was really shocked but impressed that we thought of the idea of me carrying jean.. We were making a really big din actually, laughing so loud.. the picture turned out such that we could barely see me carrying jean. Then they asked Jean and I a question, "If you could change your name, what would you change it to?" Thanks to our wonderful witty and smart Jolie, she helped us answer the question really well! (I was really impressed jolie, and still am) The answer was Mr. and ms Face of the year. Wahaha! I burst out laughing. After our individual shots, Jean was quite insecure about the picture we took and wanted another shot of just both of us standing next to each other. We approached the photographer with daphne's help and the photographer let us look at the picture again. Everyone was crowding around the camera by then. Then Jolie, Daphne and Mark said, "Quite ok what, quite nice what" Oh I tell you, I bet they wanted to say, "Oh my gosh they look so HOT HOT HOT! How I wish i could be Jean" just that they dont dare say only.. Ha!

Anyway, that was about what happened.. Both of us are really embarrassed! Ah.. and we hope upon hope that the live ad would take longer to air so we can save the embarrassment for just another day..

Oh yes! thanks Zhiwei for being there on that day and helping me to style my hair.. Happy belated birthday too! Saw you get dunked on your Birthday, was super funny.. haha!

Ok gtg sleep now! see you guys on monday=)

NUTS never stand alone,
we come in a packet
{/1:41 AM}